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 VirtualSteth 1.1

VirtualSteth-Suja mobile app makes it easy for you to take care of your health - using Virtual Steth you can quickly find doctors around you, view doctors details and book instant appointments.

Virtual Steth helps in making your doctor visit a pleasant experience and saves tons of time. Virtual Steth gives you a live private connection to your doctor from anywhere in the world. Connect with your personal doctors – both primary care and secondary care – over HD video, voice, or text chats, from anywhere you are.

Celkové hodnocení

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Souhrnné informace o VirtualSteth

  • Verze programu

  • Autor

  • Potřeba instalace

  • Velikost souboru

    36,91 MB
  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad
  • Jazyk

    • Angličtina
  • Staženo

    1× celkem
    0× tento měsíc
  • Poslední aktualizace

    15. 5. 2020

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