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 Jia You! (JY) Timer by Fitsifu 1.1.12

Want to start knocking off those fitness goals from your list? Then the JY Fitness Timer is for you, a simple interval training app designed to make your exercise sessions seamless and efficient to keep you focused on achieving your ideal figure.

Whatever your fitness goal may be - gaining muscle mass, shaping and toning, losing weight, bodybuilding, or increasing stamina, this app will help you achieve it! The JY Fitness Timer transforms your phone into your very own personal trainer, whether you are at the gym or at home.

This app is perfect for training styles like HiiT, Tabata, CrossFit WODs (workout of the day), Callisthenics, Cardio, and any other interval exercise you can think of!

The JY Fitness Timer advantage:
* Simple and clear display that can be seen at a distance
* Designed for both beginners and experienced users
* Colour-coded interval indicators that are easy to identify
* Circular indicators to track both current and overall workout time
* Audio alerts during interval changes to keep you prepared
* Works in the background so you can switch to other apps without interruption
* Pause intervals midway and start over when needed
* Interval timer preset for different workouts
* Connect with Spotify for your ultimate workout soundtrack (Premium membership required)

PRO Version features:
* Full access to Muscle Timer with advanced workout settings
* Save unlimited Interval and Muscle Timer presets
* Unlock all voices
* Remove all ads

The Muscle Timer is a exceptional feature which calculates optimal rest times to help you achieve maximum workout effectiveness. Optimal rest times between workouts need to be short enough to allow for proper recovery so you can continue to push yourself during the next interval, but short enough to keep your heart rate up for the whole workout.

Planning rest and recovery times correctly could potentially increase your fitness level even more, while keeping you from injuring or over-taxing your body. The Muscle Timer determines your rest times based on a number of factors such as training type, muscle group and exercise. It then determines the optimal rest time based on those factors, all set for you to get the most out of your workout!

About Alphapod
The Alphapod team comprises of mobile developers and designers that share a passion for human-centered design to provide the best digital experiences for users. We specialize in designing and building mobile apps and their supporting ecosystems, enabling them to work seamlessly across multiple devices and screens. Discover more of what we do on our website http://alphapod.com or get in touch with us at hello@alphapod.com.

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Souhrnné informace o Jia You! (JY) Timer by Fitsifu

  • Verze programu

  • Autor

  • Potřeba instalace

  • Velikost souboru

    51,42 MB
  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad
  • Jazyk

    • Angličtina
  • Staženo

    0× celkem
    0× tento měsíc
  • Poslední aktualizace

    12. 5. 2020

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