The Behaviorland app teaches elementary-age children how to communicate and behave more positively in social situations.
The child plays this game with a parent, teacher, or counselor, hosted on a virtual island by Pepi, a talkative, savvy parrot. Bee Havior is a friendly little bee who takes Players around her amusement park and teaches them about verbal and nonverbal communication, positive self-esteem, anger management, bullying, and many other social topics.
Players visit 12 rides and attractions, earning points and collecting “treasure” tokens in their treasure chest. A colorful turtle piece keeps track of each Player’s progress on a game board. The app presents real life social situations for Players to solve through multiple choice or by typing short answers. Pepi and Bee Havior award everyone with a Friendly Bee Badge at the end of this fun and educational adventure!
This app is especially helpful to children (ages 6-12) who have difficulty making friends, have low self-esteem, or show disruptive social behaviors. Up to four players can use the app with individualized scoring.
Tablet sound should be turned on to benefit from multi-media content.
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320,08 MB
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Aplikace pro: iPad
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Poslední aktualizace
11. 10. 2019