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 Collectors 3D 1.0

Become the top Collector in the world!!! Compete against other collectors to see who can collect the most points but you only have 100 seconds until the game ends. How many points can you collect in that time?

Buy colors for yourself and make yourself unique continue to dominate when it comes to grabbing points. zoom off and get as many points as possible. Push others away from your points. But be careful because the other players can do the same as you. Also keep an eye out for bright golden lights because those carry more points.

-Simple, easy one-touch controls
-Colorful, you'll see every color you can think of
-Push players
-Fun gameplay and rewarding efficiency
-Fast, 100 second matches

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Souhrnné informace o Collectors 3D

  • Verze programu

  • Autor

  • Potřeba instalace

  • Velikost souboru

    86,78 MB
  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad
  • Jazyk

    • Angličtina
  • Staženo

    0× celkem
    0× tento měsíc
  • Poslední aktualizace

    15. 5. 2020

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