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 Grecian Hotels Group 1.0.0

Welcome to the Grecian Hotels Group mobile app, here you can access all details about our hotels at Cyprus and London.

You will be given the opportunity to know more about our hotels including photos, facilities, services and contacts. You can also to book some of the hotel’s services and events.

Using our app you will be able to place your trip in advance, just check our suggestions about the best attractions, restaurants and other places nearby. There is also useful information about weather and flights timetable.

Don’t waste time and download Grecian Hotels App.

Celkové hodnocení

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Souhrnné informace o Grecian Hotels Group

  • Verze programu

  • Autor

  • Potřeba instalace

  • Velikost souboru

    47,7 MB
  • Systémové požadavky

    Aplikace pro: iPhone, iPad
  • Jazyk

    • Angličtina
  • Staženo

    0× celkem
    0× tento měsíc
  • Poslední aktualizace

    14. 5. 2020

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